Friday, October 07, 2005

Playing The Gap

Gaps are areas on a chart where the price of a stock (or another financial instrument) moves sharply up or down with little or no trading in between. As a result, the asset's chart shows a "gap" in the normal price pattern. The enterprising trader can interpret and exploit these gaps for profit. Here we'll help you understand how and why gaps occur, and how you can use them to make profitable trades.

Gaps occur as a result of underlying fundamental or technical factors. For example, if a company's earnings are much higher than expected, the company's stock may gap up the next day. This means that the stock price opened higher than it closed the day before, thereby leaving a gap. In the forex market, it is not uncommon for a report to generate so much buzz that it widens the bid and ask spread to a point where a significant gap can be seen. Similarly, a stock breaking a new high in the current session may open higher in the next session, thus gapping up for technical reasons.


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