Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Morning News

  • Futures are pointing to a lower open this morning.
  • Fourth quarter Productivity Data expected to be down 0.2%
  • Consumer Credit Data to be released.
  • AT&T Inc. plans to cut up to 10,000 jobs if the purchase of BellSouth Corp. is approved. The job cuts would take place over a three year period.
  • U.S. Food and Drug Administration meeting to decide if Tysabri will return to the market. Both Biogen Idec Inc. and Elan Corp. pulled the drug off the market in February 2005. Both Biogen and Elan's stock will be haulted Tuesday and Wednesday.
  • Texas Instruments expects quarterly sales to be between $3.22 billion and $3.35 billion. Prior projections looked for $3.11 billion to $3.38 billion.
  • Suzuki Motor Corp. buys back shares of it's own stock from General Motors. General Motors did hold a 20% stake in the company. This is all part of GM's restructuring plan.
  • Indian Point nuclear facility along the Hudson River has been leaking since August. Reports are out that the leak is minor and no threat to human life.
  • Crude Oil is $62.55 per barrel.
  • Wholesale Gasoline is $1.65 per gallon.
  • Natural Gas currently $6.60 per unit.
  • Gold took a hit yesterday back down to $555.80 per ounce.
Budd Foxx


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